King Abo aka Hakiem Abbott is an MC/Producer originally from Mt. Isa, he grew up travelling all over but spent much of his formative years between Palmerston and Alice Springs. He grew up rapping and loving Hip Hop. At the age of 14 he caught some assault charges in Alice Springs and was in and out of the Juvenile detention System for 2 years. This is where he met Dan the Underdog and decided to start taking music a bit more serious.
He wrote and recorded most of his first album between the Detention Centre and the bail centre. When he finally got free he was determined to turn his life around and stay out of the system. He linked with Dan on the outside and got in the studio, putting the finishing touches on his first solo release “King of the Slums”. He released a slew of Music Videos, “Best Of Me”, “Section”, “One Take” with AJ Mic and “Big Dogg” with his Mentor Dan the Underdog.
In July 2024 he did his first gig at the Tangentyere Youth Centre in Alice Springs opening up for Big J with his August release for his album in conjunction with Xpress.”
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